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EAGLE EYE PRK one-step laser treatment


We have performed the Eagle eye PRK treatment for 27 years with maximum security and excellent results. It is the most economical among our procedures. The treatment involves the surface of the eye, therefore the intervention is painless, but may produce a slight inconvenience for 1-2 days.

  • Painless treatment, 2-3 minutes / eye
  • Foreign body sensation for 1-2 days
  • You can work, drive, read after 4-5 days
  • You can do sports after 7 days: jogging, cycling, gymnastics
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses for 6 months

Total price of the treatment:
HUF 189.000/eye

Instalment payment plan:

  • Initial payment: HUF 40.000/eye
  • Instalments: HUF 20.000/month/eye
    (for 9 months)

Eagle Eye PRK laser treatment

During a one-step Eagle Eye PRK treatment, the cornea’s surface is reshaped using an excimer laser. It vaporises some layers of the cells, thereby it changes the refraction of the cornea. The appropriately transformed cornea refracts the light ideally, your vision becomes sharp again. The re-epithelialisation of the cornea takes 3 days, during which you may experience foreign body sensation, light avoidance, lachrymation. Our patients usually do their habitual activities without discomfort after one week. Post-operative checks are necessary for six months.

Sasszem PRK egylézeres kezelés

Why is the Eagle Eye No-Touch treatment better than conventional PRK treatments?

  • This is the world’s most advanced surface laser treatment, since it is fully performed by a laser, without using any mechanical device.
  • Removal of the epithelial layer and correction of the refractive error are performed by the laser in one step.
  • The laser removes the epithelial layer more precisely than a surgeon with a mechanical device.
  • The thickness of the epithelium vaporised by the laser is less than half of the diameter of a strand of human hair.
  • Faster treatment and shorter recovery time.
  • The discomfort lasts for a shorter period of time after surgery.
  • It ensures a gentler procedure for the eye.

What should I know about laser treatments?

The Eagle Eye Clinic is the largest laser clinic in Hungary. The past 27 years of experience have shown that there will always be patients for whom not the most current technology but another type of laser treatment, i.e. one based on a different principle, can provide an even better outcome. We have two excimer lasers and one femtosecond laser.  Excimer lasers are used in PRK and FEMTO surgeries for transforming the cornea, one of them is a Schwind-type laser, whereas the other one is a Wavelight-type laser. 

The third one, the femtosecond laser, is exclusively used for FEMTO treatments. This laser creates the ultra-thin protective flap under which the laser vision correction can be performed with one of the two other lasers.

We neither use mikrokeratome, nor perform conventional LASIK treatments, only FEMTO treatments. Although the conventional manual flap creation with a keratome is a significantly cheaper procedure, it may result in serious complications, which do not occur in the case of FEMTO treatments, not even in principle. Today, any of the modern laser clinics do not use anything else but FEMTO laser for flap creation.

Additional treatments

Eagle Eye No-Touch - 100% laser

Economical blade-free treatment

It is the most recent, enhanced surface laser treatment...

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It is the most recent, enhanced surface laser treatment, the successor of PRK eye surgery. A true blade-free, one-step laser procedure performed with the SCHWIND AMARIS laser capable of 5-dimensional eye tracking. In Budapest, only at the Eagle Eye Clinic.

  • Painless treatment, 2-3 minutes / eye
  • Foreign body sensation for 1-2 days
  • You can work, drive, read after 4-5 days
  • You can do sports after 7 days: jogging, cycling, gymnastics
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses for 6 months

Price: HUF 229.000 / eye

Instalment payment: HUF 69.000 as initial payment
10 months x HUF 20.000 as instalments

Read more about Eagle Eye NO-TOUCH treatment

Eagle Eye FEMTO - With NASA's recommendation

Additional comfort provided by advanced technology

FEMTO Eye Surgery is a two-step laser...

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FEMTO Eye Surgery is a two-step laser procedure: the femtosecond (FS) laser creates a protective flap, under which, in a sensitive area, the cornea is reshaped with a 5th generation laser.

  • Painless treatment, 3-4 minutes / eye
  • Painless recovery
  • You can work, drive, read after 1 day
  • You can do sports after 2-3 days: jogging, cycling, gymnastics
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses for 2 months

Price: HUF 309.000 / eye

Instalment payment: HUF 149.000 as initial payment
10 months x HUF 20.000 as instalments

Read more about Eagle Eye FEMTO treatment

Eagle Eye Presbymax - Presbyopia treatment

Two-step laser treatments for people wearing reading glasses

Presbyopia treatment provides sharp vision for short, long...

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Presbyopia treatment provides sharp vision for short, long and medium distance (monitor) alike. If the Presbymax treatment is out of the question, we recommend the Femto Plus treatment, which provides sharp vision for long and medium distances (e.g. to a monitor).

  • Between the age of 50 and 65
  • Painless treatment, 2-3 minutes / eye
  • Painless recovery
  • You can work, drive, read after 1 day
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses for 2 months

Price: HUF 379.000 / eye

Instalment payment: HUF 219.000 as initial payment
10 months x HUF 20.000 as instalments

Read more about Eagle Eye PRESBYMAX treatment

Eagle-eyed people who have relied on the experience of the largest laser clinic

The Eagle Eye Clinic provides its experience gained with more than 130.000 successful laser eye surgeries and the available most advanced medical technology to its patients.