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I apply for a free pre-operative examination
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Laser eye surgery is the ideal solution:

Have a sharp vision without glasses!

25 years of experience

27 years of experience

World-class technology

World-class technology

Medical guarantee

Medical guarantee

Instalment payment

Instalment payment

Trust the most experienced laser eye surgery clinic

  • Sharper vision you’ve ever had before with eyeglasses
  • Comes with a medical guarantee
  • Keen eyesight immediately, for a lifetime
  • Your sharp vision is ensured by the country’s largest and most experienced laser clinic
  • You can choose from the safest laser procedures
  • Your refractive errors are eliminated using a cutting-edge laser equipment which features an advanced eye tracking system
  • Our Clinic is unique in the country as the Eagle Eye Operating Theatre offers three different laser systems at the same place, thereby ensuring the most optimal solution

Why is the Eagle Eye Laser Treatment the most popular vision correction surgery?

Nearly 145,000 laser eye surgeries have been performed in Hungary so far. Ten patients out of seven opt for the ‘Eagle Eye Treatment’ laser eye surgery. The Eagle Eye Clinic is one of the oldest laser eye clinics in the country with the highest number of refractive surgeries performed. Specialising exclusively in laser vision correction, our expert team of eye specialists only deals with laser eye treatments from Monday to Saturday. We have the highest number of authentic references and thus the most recommendations.

What does the term ‘Eagle Eye Laser Eye Surgery’ mean?

It means that as a result of our Eagle Eye laser eye surgery, your eyesight may even become better than that of people with normal visual acuity. The Eagle Eye Laser Treatment provides better visual acuity than what you can achieve using glasses, contact lenses, or other laser procedures – and even that of people who were born with good vision (20/20). Not only nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism can be eliminated by the Eagle Eye Laser Treatment, but also hidden refractive errors.
Information about laser eye surgery »

Who are candidates for an Eagle Eye Treatment?

Anyone aged 18 to 65 years who wears eyeglasses or contact lenses. Your prescription falls between -12 to +5 dioptres and you are qualified as a good candidate during the two-hour pre-operative examination. Astigmatism is not a ground for refusal.

Find out whether or not you are a candidate for eye surgery! Fill out our Candidacy Self Evaluation Test!

How will you see after a laser eye surgery?

In any case, much better than how you have seen so far without your glasses or contact lenses. Excepting rare or complex refractive errors and very high prescriptions, this type of laser eye surgery has a very high probability of improving your vision to 20/20 or beyond. One of the benefits of Eagle Eye Laser Treatments is that most of our ‘eagle-eyed’ patients will have a better-than-average (20/17) vision after the surgery.

  • With laser eye surgery, refractive errors can be corrected up to -12 dioptres for nearsighted patients, up to +5.5 dioptres for farsighted patients, and cylinders can be corrected up to up to 6 dioptres.
  • The procedure is safe, more than 30 million laser eye surgery treatments have been performed worldwide so far.
  • The procedure is painless, the intervention takes 2-3 minutes per eye.
  • You can restart working, driving a car or working on a computer after 1 day of rest.

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How will you see after the laser eye surgery?

Eagle Eye Treatment® may also be used to correct hidden refractive errors, allowing up to 125% visual acuity. The best glasses, contact lenses and conventional laser devices are not capable of achieving this.

Please select your current prescription

-12 +5
That's how you see without glasses
Az Optik-Med recepciója
That's how you see with glasses
20/20 visual acuity
Az Optik-Med recepciója
That's how most eagle-eyed people see with 125% visual acuity
Az Optik-Med recepciója

Who is a candidate for Eagle Eye Treatment®?

Eagle Eye Treatment Under the age of 18
Under age of 18
Under age of 18

We do not perform laser eye surgery for patients under the age of 18, because in that age the size of the ocular axis and dioptre may change significantly.

Between 18-50
Between 18-50
Between 18-50

Usually, the dioptre stabilizes. In case of minus dioptres, i.e. for people with myopia, Eagle Eye Treatment is the perfect solution. In case of plus dioptres, or if you only wear reading glasses, the treatment is recommended over the age of 50.

Between the age of 50 and 65
Between 50-65
Between 50-65

Both plus and minus dioptres can be treated with laser eye surgery.

Sasszemkezelés 65 év felett
Over age of 65
Over age of 65

Over the age of 65, we recommend lens surgery instead of vision correcting laser eye surgery.

Eagle Eye Treatment is always preceded by a pre-operative examination in order to exclude any reason that may hinder the achievement of the ideal result!

Who is a candidate for Eagle Eye Treatment®?

Eagle Eye Treatment Under the age of 18
Under age of 18
Under age of 18

We do not perform laser eye surgery for patients under the age of 18, because in that age the size of the ocular axis and dioptre may change significantly.

Between the age of 18 and 50
Between 18-50
Between 18-50

Usually, the dioptre stabilizes. In case of minus dioptres, i.e. for people with myopia, Eagle Eye Treatment is the perfect solution. In case of plus dioptres, or if you only wear reading glasses, the treatment is recommended over the age of 50.

Between the age of 50 and 65
Between 50-65
Between 50-65

Both plus and minus dioptres can be treated with laser eye surgery.

Over the age of 65
Over age of 65
Over age of 65

Over the age of 65, we recommend lens surgery instead of vision correcting laser eye surgery.

What kind of vision problems can be treated with laser?

How can we treat myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism or presbyopia (the need for reading glasses) with laser?

I keep reading

Who is not a candidate for laser eye surgery?

Laser vision correction treatments are not recommended for everyone. Who is not a candidate for laser eye surgery?

I keep reading

Am I a candidate for laser treatment?

Until 15th of May you will be entitled to a discount of HUF 200,000 if you complete our online test! The discount can be used for HUF 2x50,000
from the price of Sasszem FEMTO Smart treatment, HUF 35,000 from the price of sunglasses, HUF 20,000 discount from the price of the
pre-operative examination and HUF 45,000 from the price of the control package test. Complete the test now!

Am I a candidate for the treatment?

Laser eye surgery prices and our laser treatments

There are several types of laser eye surgery.
Let's choose together the perfect solution for you from our 7 treatments!

Sasszem Visumax ReLEx Smile treatment - State-of-the-art and most gentle procedure

State-of-the-art and most gentle procedure

A Visumax ReLEx SMILE® is the latest...

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Visumax ReLEx SMILE® is the latest generation lasik eye surgery procedure. The revolutionary new technology combines the benefits of previous solutions. With the treatment, perfect sharp vision is achieved gently with a shorter recovery time, while any temporary side effects can be minimized.

  • Painless treatment
  • Painless recovery
  • Shortest recovery
  • You can do sports after 1 day: jogging, cycling, gymnastics
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses for 2 months

Price: HUF 539.000 /eye
HUF 487.000 / eye

Introductory price

Read more about Visumax ReLEx Smile treatment

Eagle Eye FEMTO SMART - Tailored to youa

Two-step laser technology = better vision in every condition

The eye's refractive errors are measured and treated...

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The eye's refractive errors are measured and treated with the highest accuracy thanks to SCHWIND AMARIS, one of the world's most advanced wavefront and topographic measurement instruments and to the SCHWIND AMARIS laser 7-dimensional eye tracking system.

  • Painless treatment, 3-4 minutes / eye
  • Painless recovery
  • You can work, drive, read after 1 day
  • You can do sports after 2-3 days: jogging, cycling, gymnastics
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses for 2 months

Price: 399.000 Ft / eye
HUF 349.000 / eye

Interested in HUF 200 000 discount.

Read more about Eagle Eye FEMTO SMART treatment

Eagle Eye Presbymax - Presbyopia treatment

Two-step laser treatments for people wearing reading glasses

Presbyopia treatment provides sharp vision for short, long...

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Presbyopia treatment provides sharp vision for short, long and medium distance (monitor) alike.

  • Between the age of 50 and 65
  • Painless treatment, 2-3 minutes / eye
  • Painless recovery
  • You can work, drive, read after 1 day
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses for 2 months

Price: HUF 379.000 / eye

Instalment payment: HUF 219.000 as initial payment
10 months x HUF 20.000 as instalments

Read more about Eagle Eye PRESBYMAX treatment

Eagle Eye FEMTO - With NASA's recommendation

Additional comfort provided by advanced technology

FEMTO Eye Surgery is a two-step laser...

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FEMTO Eye Surgery is a two-step laser procedure: the femtosecond (FS) laser creates a protective flap, under which, in a sensitive area, the cornea is reshaped with a 5th generation laser.

  • Painless treatment, 3-4 minutes / eye
  • Painless recovery
  • You can work, drive, read after 1 day
  • You can do sports after 2-3 days: jogging, cycling, gymnastics
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses for 2 months

Price: HUF 309.000 / eye

Instalment payment: HUF 149.000 as initial payment
10 months x HUF 20.000 as instalments

Read more about Eagle Eye FEMTO treatment

Eagle Eye No-Touch - 100% laser

Economical blade-free treatment

It is the most recent, enhanced surface laser treatment...

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It is the most recent, enhanced surface laser treatment, the successor of PRK eye surgery. A true blade-free, one-step laser procedure performed with the SCHWIND AMARIS laser capable of 7-dimensional eye tracking. In Budapest, only at the Eagle Eye Clinic.

  • Painless treatment, 2-3 minutes / eye
  • Foreign body sensation for 1-2 days
  • You can work, drive, read after 4-5 days
  • You can do sports after 7 days: jogging, cycling, gymnastics
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses for 6 months

Price: HUF 229.000 / eye

Instalment payment: HUF 69.000 as initial payment
10 months x HUF 20.000 as instalments

Read more about Eagle Eye NO-TOUCH treatment

Eagle Eye - With 27 years of experience

Maximum security with decades of experience

Spot scanning laser performs the adequate reshaping...

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Spot scanning laser performs the adequate reshaping of the surface of the cornea and then its epithelisation begins.

  • Painless treatment, 2-3 minutes / eye
  • Foreign body sensation for 1-2 days
  • You can work, drive, read after 4-5 days
  • You can do sports after 7 days: jogging, cycling, gymnastics
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses for 6 months

Price: HUF 189.000 / eye

Instalment payment: HUF 40.000 as initial payment
9 months x HUF 20.000 as instalments

Read more about Eagle Eye PRK treatment

Apply for a discounted pre-operative examination!

The price of pre-opretaive exam is HUF 35 000 below 40 age, HUF 45 000 above 40 age.
In case of online application below age of 40 the examination costs HUF 15 000, above 40 age it costs HUF 25 000. HUF 15 000 is included in the price of the treatment.

I apply!

Eagle Eye Clinic, a specialist in laser eye surgery

  • We have specialised exclusively in laser vision correction.
  • We have performed over 130.000 treatments and have 27 years of experience.
  • 7 patients out of 10 choose us.
  • We use world-class measurement instruments and eye tracking laser equipment.
  • With 7 different laser methods, we provide the most optimal treatment for everyone.
  • We provide a medical guarantee for the end result.
  • The country's most experienced laser specialists and assistants work for us.

Eagle-eyed people who have relied on the experience of the largest laser clinic

The Eagle Eye Clinic provides its experience gained with more than 130.000 successful laser eye surgeries and the available most advanced medical technology to its patients.

Throw away your glasses or contact lenses! Be eagle-eyed too!

Step 1

Application for a discounted pre-operative examination. In case of online application for patients under the age of 40 it costs HUF 10.000, it costs HUF 20.000 for patients above 40. HUF 10.000 is included in the price of the treatment. You can apply here.

Step 2

Laser eye surgery is always preceded by a pre-operative examination in order to exclude any reason that may hinder the achievement of the ideal result. You have to prepare for a completely painless examination that takes 1.5-2 hours We measure the refractive errors of your eyes with five different methods which provide us tens of thousands data items for designing the ideal treatment. Bring your previous eyesight reports and glasses with you. There are several types of laser eye surgery, at the end of the examination we will choose together the perfect solution for you!

Step 3

Day of the laser eye surgery: you will spend about two hours at our clinic. Before the treatment we will perform some more examinations and will discuss any potential question if something new has come to your mind since the pre-operative examination. The laser eye surgery will be performed afterwards in about 15 minutes. In the operating theatre, you will have nothing to do but to take a comfortable position and to look ahead. At your discretion, you may leave immediately or after a short rest with your companion Do not forget to bring all the necessary documents with you.

Step 4

After the laser eye surgery: Although the treatment takes a short time in practice and you will have a perfect vision afterwards, in the subsequent period you will have to respect the doctor's prescriptions and you will have to show up at the designated post-operative checks. Our patients living outside the capital have the opportunity to undergo post-operative checks at the regional centres of the Eagle Eye Clinic. You can check here our constantly expanding regional centres.

What will you have to bear in mind after the Eagle Eye FEMTO, FEMTO Smart and Visumax treatments?

  • After laser eye surgery it is recommended to take a rest for 1-2 hours. During this time, potential lachrymation or light sensitivity will significantly decrease. Your vision will get better and better after the treatment.  In the first 2 months, smaller changes may still occur, then your visual acuity will stabilise.
  • Don't forget to use eye drops regularly!
  • On the day of the treatment, watching TV, reading or watching a monitor is not recommended until you have not taken a rest for 1-2 hours.
  • You may drive or take an airplane the next day if you wish.
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses with UV protection outdoors for 2 months.
  • Physical activity, sports:
    • cardio type training is recommended after 2-3 days
    • training with dumb-bells is recommended after 7-10 days
    • swimming, water sports are recommended after 4 weeks.
  • solarium use is not recommended for 2 months.
  • For a period of 6 weeks be cautious when you touch your eyes, rubbing your eyes is forbidden.

What will you have to bear in mind after the Eagle Eye PRK treatment?

  • The eye's increased sensitivity may persist for 2-3 days.
  • It is recommended to wear contact lenses during the 3 first days following the treatment. Visual acuity stabilises around the 3rd or 4th week, but smaller changes may still occur during the first 6 months.
  • Don't forget to use eye drops regularly!
  • Watching TV, reading or watching a monitor is recommended after 1 week.
  • You may restart driving your car after 1 week.
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses with UV protection outdoors for 6 months.
  • Physical activity, sports:
    • cardio type training is recommended after 1 week
    • training with dumb-bells is recommended after 7-10 days
    • swimming, water sports are recommended after 1 month.
  • solarium use is not recommended for 6 months.
  • For a period of 6 weeks be cautious when you touch your eyes, rubbing your eyes is forbidden.

If you have any question or problem, please call the 24/7 hotline service of the Eagle Eye Clinic, which is at your disposal each day of the week. 

We look forward to your application.