I apply for a free pre-operative examination
I apply for a free pre-operative examination
Sasszemklinika háromszoros Magyar Brands díjas márka
Garancia lézeres szemműtét eredményére
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Laser eye surgery prices, price of laser eye surgery

NEW! Complete the online test until 30th of March and you will be
entitled to a discount of HUF 200,000!

Credit card and cash payment

Credit card and
cash payment

Personal income tax refund

Personal income tax refund

Payment in advance by bank transfer

Payment in advance
by bank transfer

Instalment payment plan

payment plan

Laser eye surgery prices

  • The price of pre-opretaive exam is HUF 35 000 below 40 age, HUF 45 000 above 40 age. In case of online application the examination costs HUF 15 000 below age of 40, above 40 age it costs HUF 25 000. HUF 15 000 is included in the price of the treatment.
  • The cost of the treatments includes the cost of post-operative checks!

Eagle Eye PRK one-step laser treatment

Price: HUF 189.000/eye

The laser eye surgery prices also include the cost of controls

Open it for more details
  • Between the age of 18 and 65
  • Maximum security with decades of experience

A PRK kezelés egylézeres eljárás: az ötödik generációs lézer a szem felszínén elvégzi a szaruhártya megfelelő átalakítását. A PRK szemműtét 2-3 nap idegentest érzéssel, fénykerüléssel jár.

Instalment payment plan:

  • Initial payment: HUF 40.000/eye
  • Instalments: HUF 20.000/month/eye
    (for 9 months)

I would like to know more about PRK treatment

Eagle Eye No-Touch one-step laser treatment

Price: HUF 229.000/eye

The laser eye surgery prices also include the cost of controls

Open it for more details
  • 18-65 év közöttieknek
  • A gazdaságos megoldás érintés nélkül

A legújabb, továbbfejlesztett felszíni lézerkezelés, a PRK szemműtét utóda. Magyarországon csak egy helyen, a Sasszemklinikán végezzük ezt a lézeres eljárást 7 dimenziós szemkövetésre alkalmas SCHWIND AMARIS lézerrel.

Instalment payment plan:

  • Initial payment: HUF 69.000/eye
  • Instalments: HUF 20.000/month/eye
    (for 10 months)

I would like to know more about No-Touch treatment

Eagle Eye FEMTO two-step laser treatment

Price: HUF 309.000/eye

The laser eye surgery prices also include the cost of controls

Open it for more details
  • 18-65 év közöttieknek
  • A biztonságos és kényelmes eljárás

FEMTO kétlézeres eljárás: a femtosecundumos lézer védőlebenyt alakít ki, amely alatt, egy érzéketlen területen a repülőpontos lézer elvégzi a szaruhártya átalakítását. A FEMTO kezelés után sincs fájdalom, 1 nap pihenés, után másnap lehet dolgozni. Szemcsepp használatra 3 hétig van szükség.

Instalment payment plan:

  • Initial payment: HUF 149.000/eye
  • Instalments: HUF 20.000/month/eye
    (for 10 months)

I would like to know more about FEMTO treatment

EAGLE EYE Presbyopia Treatment for people with reading glasses

Eagle Eye Presbymax Price: HUF 379.000/eye

The laser eye surgery prices also include the cost of post-operative checks

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  • 45-65 év közöttieknek
  • A biztonságos és kényelmes eljárás

Ez a lézeres szemműtét mind közelre, mind távolra, mind közép (monitor) távolságra éleslátást biztosít.

Instalment payment plan:

Eagle Eye Presbymax:

  • Initial payment: HUF 219.000/eye
  • Instalments: HUF 20.000/month/eye
    (for 10 months)

I would like to know more about Presbyopia treatment

Eagle Eye FEMTO SMART two-step laser treatment

Price: HUF 399.000/eye HUF 349.000/eye
Interested in HUF 200 000 discount

The laser eye surgery prices also include the cost of post-operative checks

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  • 18-65 év közöttieknek
  • Jobb látásélmény - maximális biztonság

ÚJ FEMTO lézerkezelés, mely a SCHWIND PERAMIS legfejlettebb hullámfront és topográfiás mérőeszköz és a SCHWIND AMARIS lézer 7-dimensional szemkövető rendszerének köszönhetően a legnagyobb pontossággal méri és kezeli a szem fénytörési hibáit, így jobb látásélességet tudunk elérni.

Instalment payment plan:

  • Initial payment: HUF 189.000/eye
  • Instalments: HUF 20.000/month/eye
    (for 10 months)

I would like to know more about FEMTO SMART treatment

Sasszem Visumax ReLEx Smile laser treatment

Price: HUF 539.000 Ft/eye 487.000 HUF/eye
Introductory price

The laser eye surgery prices also include the cost of controls

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  • 18-40 év közöttieknek
  • Legkíméletesebb eljárás rövidebb regenerálódási idő

Legkíméletesebb eljárás: nincs lebeny. A lézeres látásjavító eljárások legújabb, 4. generációja. Egy forradalmian új technológia, mely egyesíti az eddigi lézeres látásjavító eljárások előnyeit. Ez a ma létező legkényelmesebb látásjavító lézerkezelés a világon. Tökéletes éles látás érhető el kíméletesen, rövidebb regenerálódási idő mellett.

No instalment payment plan


I would like to know more about ReLEx SMILE treatment

* Above the age of 50, the pre-operative examination preceding a Presbyopia laser treatment costs: HUF 25.000 In case of online application, we will give you a discount of HUF 15.000!
Discounted examination fee: HUF 10.000. Apply here!

Am I a candidate for laser treatment?

Until 30th of March you will be entitled to a discount of HUF 200,000 if you complete our online test! The discount can be used for HUF 2x50,000
from the price of Sasszem FEMTO Smart treatment, HUF 35,000 from the price of sunglasses, HUF 20,000 discount from the price of the
pre-operative examination and HUF 45,000 from the price of the control package test. Complete the test now!

Am I a candidate for the treatment?

What is the payback period of a laser eye surgery?

For how many years have you been wearing glasses?


How much do you spend on glasses per year?


How much do you spend on contact lenses per year?


How many years should I calculate?


If you continue to wear glasses or contact lenses with diopters for another years, this can cost you up to .

With laser eye surgery, you can save up to

Since you have started wearing glasses or contact lenses, you have already spent on them.

What payment options are available?

Credit card and cash payment

The price of laser eye surgeries may be paid in cash at the Clinic.

At our Clinic, you can pay with any credit card used in Hungary, with the exception of American Express (AMEX) cards, which are not accepted. It is recommended that you check your daily limit.

20% personal income tax refund

Payment by health insurance fund card (egészségpénztári kártya): The clinic is a contracted partner of all major voluntary health insurance funds. Accordingly, patients may apply for a personal income tax refund equalling 20% of the treatment price. The Eagle Eye Clinic cannot issue an invoice to the voluntary health insurance fund for patients paying in instalments. Check out which voluntary health insurance funds are the Eagle Eye Clinic’s contracted partners.

Payment in advance by bank transfer

The transfer must be completed at least 3 days prior to the treatment. Payee: K-MED Kft. Bank account: MKB Bank: 10300002-20196233-70213285. Eye surgery with instalment payment agreement. Please be sure to enter the name of the patient whose treatment is being paid in the Comments field. It is important that you bring the original bank transfer confirmation with you and present it before the surgery.

Instalment payment plan

Instalments include bank interest. Faster repayment options are also available that take a shorter period of time and thus include a lower interest rate.

Eagle Eye No-Touch PRK treatment

Initial payment: HUF 59.000/eye
Instalments: HUF 20.000/month/eye
(for 10 months)


Initial payment: HUF 159.000/eye
Instalments: HUF 20.000/month/eye
(for 10 months)

Eagle Eye PRK laser treatment

Initial payment: HUF 20.000/eye
Instalments: HUF 20.000/month/eye
(for 9 months)

Eagle Eye FEMTO treatment

Initial payment: HUF 139.000/eye
Instalments: HUF 20.000/month/eye
(for 10 months)

For instalment payment, an instalment payment agreement must be concluded. For this, you must meet the following conditions:

If the patient has an income
  • páciens személyi igazolványa
  • páciens lakcímkártyája
  • páciens munkáltatói igazolása
  • pácienstől utolsó közüzemi számla befizetésének igazolása két szolgáltatótól
  • egy kezes személyesen (aki nem lehet a páciens házas-vagy élettársa, a pácienssel egy háztartásban élő vagy azonos lakcímre bejelentett)
  • kezes személyi igazolványa
  • kezes lakcímkártyája
  • első részlet befizetése
If the patient does not have an income
  • páciens személyi igazolványa
  • páciens lakcímkártyája
  • egy adós személyesen
  • adós személyi igazolványa
  • adós lakcímkártyája
  • adós munkáltatói igazolása
  • adóstól utolsó közüzemi számla befizetésének igazolása két szolgáltatótól
  • egy kezes személyesen (aki nem lehet az adós házas-vagy élettársa, az adóssal egy háztartásban élő vagy azonos lakcímre bejelentett)
  • kezes személyi igazolványa
  • kezes lakcímkártyája
  • első részlet befizetése
You may not choose the instalment payment option ifa...
  • külföldi állampolgár
  • külföldi tartózkodási hellyel rendelkező magyar állampolgár
  • egészségpénztári kártyával fizető
  • vidéki kontrollvizsgálatokat igénylő

How can I win back the price of my 'Eagle Eye Treatment' laser eye surgery?

Patients who have had an Eagle Eye Treatment and based on whose recommendation another Eagle Eye Treatment is performed at the Clinic may participate in our EAGLE-EYED WINNING DUO prize draw. In this prize draw, you may win back the price of your laser eye surgery!

Take action so that you and the person recommended by you may be next month’s winners. You can participate in the prize draw whenever someone becomes eagle-eyed based on your recommendation. Therefore, you may even win back the price of your treatment multiple times: you may win HUF 169.000, HUF 299.000 or HUF 379.000.

You can find the details of the prize winning game here!

What outcome can I expect after a laser eye surgery?
What to expect at the pre-operative examination?
What happens on the day of the treatment?
What should I pay attention to during the recovery period?
How safe is laser vision correction?
What kind of guarantee does the Eagle Eye Clinic offer?
Lézeres szemműtét után milyen eredményre számíthatok?

What outcome can I expect after a laser eye surgery?

Our special Eagle Eye Treatment (Sasszemkezelés®) is capable of correcting hidden refractive errors which cannot be eliminated neither with the best glasses, contact lenses, nor with the conventional laser devices. After a laser eye surgery called Eagle Eye Treatment (Sasszemkezelés®) (PRK, FEMTO Presbyopia treatment, NO-Touch), you may have a sharper vision you have ever had before with glasses, for the rest of your life.

Mi vár a sasszem lézeres szemműtét alkalmassági vizsgálatán?

What to expect at the pre-operative examination?

What to expect during the examination?

  • be prepared for a completely painless examination that takes 1.5-2 hours
  • the most important parts of your examination are carried out by two specialists independently
  • the refractive errors of your eyes will be measured with five different methods
  • the expected outcome of your treatment will be presented to you in a personalised Medical Guarantee Certificate
  • during the pre-operative examination, we will collect tens of thousands of data items that enable us to design the ideal treatment

How should you come to the examination?

  • As you will receive pupil-dilating drops (mydriatics), after the examination, your vision will be blurred for even up to an entire day, thus it is advisable to come with a companion and/or arrive by public transport
  • Please do not wear soft contact lenses for 4-5 days before the examination, semi-rigid and rigid lenses for at least 2 weeks in order to obtain accurate measurement results
  • Ladies are recommended not to use any make-up, especially mascara
  • You can eat and drink (non-alcoholic beverages) as usual before the examination
  • Bring your national health insurance card with you so that we can prescribe you the necessary drugs
  • Bring your previous eyesight reports and glasses with you

The pre-operative examination is discounted in case of online registration for people aged under 40 (in case of online application for patients above 40, it only costs HUF 20.000 instead of HUF 45.000). HUF 10 000 is included in the price of the treatment.

Mi történik a PRK kezelés, FEMTO kezelés napján?

What happens on the day of the treatment?

What to expect on the day of your surgery?

  • Prepare for a painless procedure which will take approximately 1.5-2 hours
  • In the preoperative care unit, you will receive sedative pills and anaesthetic eye drops
  • In the operating theatre, you will have nothing to do but to take up a comfortable position and to look ahead
  • The PRK treatment takes 2-3 minutes, while the FEMTO treatmenttakes 8-10 minutes
  • After the surgery, you will experience sharp vision immediately
  • You can leave immediately or after a short rest with your companion, if you wish

How to come to your laser eye surgery?

  • Bring a pair of sunglasses that provide 100% UV protection (your sunglasses’ ability to block UV rays can be verified at the clinic), or you can buy sunglasses from the clinic’s offer
  • You must not wear soft contact lenses for 4-5 days, semi-rigid and rigid lenses for at least 3-4 weeks before the treatment
  • Ask a friend to come and pick you up at the end of your surgery
  • Bring with you the guarantee certificate provided to you during the pre-operative examination
  • Eat as usual, however, avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine
  • Ladies must avoid make-up (especially waterproof make-up) and perfumes
  • Tell your physician about the drugs taken on the day of the surgery!
  • If you have not chosen upfront payment, please bring with you the documents necessary for the selected payment plan and/or your surety
Mire kell ügyelni a gyógyulás ideje alatt?

What should I pay attention to during the recovery period?

What are the most important medical instructions during the recovery time?

  • Have a rest after the treatment (for 1 day after a FEMTO eye surgery and 5-6 days after a PRK eye surgery)
  • Apply eye drops according to the instructions
  • Keep away from dusty places or places with cigarette smoke during the first month
  • Do not expose your eyes to water for a month (neither sauna, nor steam room is recommended)
  • Do not wear make-up on your eyes for 2 weeks after a PRK treatment and for 4 weeks after a FEMTO treatment
  • Do not rub your eyes during the months following the treatment
  • The use of tanning beds must be strictly avoided for 3-6 months
  • Outdoors, when the sun is shining, please wear sunglasses providing 100% protection from UV rays (for 2 months after a FEMTO laser eye surgery and for 6 months after a PRK laser eye surgery)
  • Please show up at the required post-operative checks
  • Should you have any questions, please call the Eagle Eye Clinic's 24/7 hotline at: +36 1 250 5505

Do you have to pay special attention to anything after the recovery?

After your recovery, you will not have to pay special attention to anything. Vaginal delivery is still possible after this treatment. All kinds of sports and physical effort can be done just like before. Antal Kovács (Olympic champion in judo), Botond Storcz (sprint canoeist) and Norbert Schobert (fitness guru) continued working out in the same way as they did prior to their laser eye surgery.

Mennyire biztonságos a lézeres látásjavítás?

How safe is laser vision correction?

The outcome of your laser eye surgery (PRK treatment FEMTO laser eye surgery, Presbyopia treatment)NO-Touch PRK treatment) will bring radical changes to your life. Anyone who has only been able to achieve a moderate visual acuity with thick glasses or contact lenses, now will have a perfect vision without any of these devices. All this may be achieved with a painless procedure.

  • A pre-operative examination provides the opportunity to exclude any factors that may negatively affect the outcome of your laser treatment
  • The screening is carried out with one of the world’s most advanced ophthalmic instruments and is based on the experience gained by our ophthalmologists during tens of thousands of examinations
  • Owing to the wavefront analysis, performed with an aberrometer (or ‘Eagle Eye Metre’, as nicknamed by our patients), hidden individual refractive errors can be precisely mapped, providing an excellent basis for designing safer, more accurate and personalised vision correction than in the case of conventional laser treatments
  • Since we are striving for maximum security, our Clinic does not undertake any laser treatments if we are not sure that we can achieve an optimal outcome. The Eagle Eye Clinic is the only clinic in Hungary where patients are treated with three high-tech laser instruments
  • As the Clinic’s staff has already performed hundreds of thousands of post-operative checks, it is hard to imagine individual reactions or problems which might be unknown to them
  • The scientific partners of the Eagle Eye Clinic include Semmelweis University of Medicine and London Vision Clinic, a global leader in laser eye surgery and is managed by Professor Dan Reinstein, inventor of the LBV presbyopia treatment
  • The world’s most stringent health and safety requirements are in place at the Eagle Eye Clinic
Milyen garanciát nyújt a Sasszemklinika lézeres szemműtét?

What kind of guarantee does the Eagle Eye Clinic offer?

Based on its professional experience of 27 years and more than 125.000 laser eye surgeries, the Eagle Eye Clinic is capable of predicting the expected outcome of a laser treatment with a very high degree of accuracy. After the pre-operative examination, you will experience the anticipated outcome (and you will also receive it in writing), provided that you react to the laser treatment as 99% of the patients.

But what if you fall into the remaining 1%? What if your cornea reacts abnormally to the treatment? What if the outcome is worse than what you had expected? Our guarantee applies to these cases. You do not even have to assume this 1% risk. If, after the laser treatment, the degree of your vision improvement is lower than what we had anticipated in writing, the guarantee will be applied. Here is a simple example: if your ophthalmologist had promised to improve your vision by 8 dioptres, but the final outcome is an improvement of only 7 dioptres, the Eagle Eye Clinic will repeat your laser treatment free of charge.

What do you have to do to become eagle-eyed?

The price of pre-opretaive exam is HUF 35 000 below 40 age, HUF 45 000 above 40 age.
In case of online application the examination costs HUF 10 000 below age of 40, above 40 age it costs HUF 20 000. HUF 10 000 is included in the price of the treatment.

I apply!

Eagle-eyed people who have relied on the experience of the largest laser clinic

The Eagle Eye Clinic provides its experience gained with more than 130.000 successful laser eye surgeries and the available most advanced medical technology to its patients.